Ahoy Captains,
To keep our players informed about both confirmed and fixed bugs, our progress is listed below:
[Updated on March 13th, 2025]
【Currently Confirmed Bugs】
None at the moment.
● Sentinel Armour Howitzer (20) Malfunction
The Sentinel Armour Howitzer (20), available in the Treasure Cove season starting on February 26th, is not functioning as designed. Specifically, it fails to cause any explosions after the shells land on the target ship.
[STATUS] This issue was fixed on March 12th, 2025.
● 'Holy Roman Imperial Admiral Paneling' and 'Swedish Admiral Paneling' Cannot be used for Building New Ship
- When you try to 'Build Ship' under 'Custom Shipbuilding' at the Shipyard Master, Holy Roman Imperial Admiral Paneling or Swedish Admiral Paneling do not appear as ship material options
- In some cases, these panalings may appear. However, DO NOT use these items to 'Build Ship' as they do not function as intended.
[STATUS] This issue was fixed on October 23rd, 2024.
● Required Sailors Not Well-balanced for Some Ships
.The number of required sailors for some existing ships is not well-balanced, as it is significantly higher than it should be.
[STATUS] This issue was fixed on October 23rd, 2024.
● The default Row Power Improvement Limit of Deep-sea Ottoman Galley
The default Row Power improvement limit for the Deep-Sea Ottoman Galley is 0, but it should be 25.
[STATUS] This issue was fixed on September 13th, 2024.
● Drop items from the Smugglers/Outlaws Fleets
The newly added Smugglers/Outlaws Fleets wouldn't drop any reward items upon defeat.
[STATUS] This issue was fixed on January 23rd, 2024.
● Effect of the Repair Support Optional Skill
The Repair Support Optional Skill is designed to increase the rank of the Repair Skill on your character by 5. However, it currently has an upper limit of 20, and it's fixed, meaning that if your Repair Skill rank is 21 or higher, the Repair Support Optional Skill will force the rank down to 20. As a result, your Repair Skill will lose its rank, and the effect will be less effective.
[STATUS] This issue was fixed on January 17th, 2024.
● Update on the Ship: Elite Gran Fluyt
The amount of the required sailors for Elite Gran Fluyt will be adjusted from 60 to 32 along with the next content update scheduled for early 2024. With this, the start range of cabin size refitting at Shipwright will be updated from the current 72 to 38.
[STATUS] This issue was fixed on January 17th, 2024.
● Effects of Ship Rebuild Success Rate Increase Items
Regarding the following items that increase the success rate of Ship Rebuild, their effects will be halved when used for a Grade 6 Ship or higher:
- Special Ship Refitting Techniques
- Ship Refitting Handbook
- Ship Refitting Instruction
- Ship Refitting Guide
[STATUS] The issue was fixed on October 11, 2023
● Roman Coins
The limit of Roman Coins a Character can carry has increased to 65,000 along with Seven Wonders Chapter 3.9. However, once the balance exceeds 65,000, it will be reduced to a random number.
[STATUS] The issue was fixed on August 30, 2023
● Land Battle Tecunique Aqua Veil
There is a bug when you use the Land Battle Tecunique Aqua Veil, the effect does not work on your allies.
[STATUS] The issue was fixed on April 26, 2023
【Currently Under Watch】
● Reloading When Battling Against Jang Bog
There is a potential bug where your ship may not reload the cannons after respawning and re-engaging in battle with George Washington's first subordinate fleet and Jang Bogo's first subordinate fleet.
[STATUS] The developers are currently unable to recreate it at this time. Please keep us posted regarding this potential issue.
We thank you for your kind understanding.