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In addition to the new developments unfolding the "Order of the Prince", changes have been made to "Epic Pirate Feud" and "Gemstone Excavation" for further excitement!

Unveil More Stories of the "Order of the Prince"

New developments unfold the story revolving around Jose and Henrique. What triggered all of this was a secret request that the Adventurer Guild in Lisbon has received.

The request from a young man who kept his identity a secret was to meet a certain person...


Feud Duration

Feud Duration per Round has been decreased from 3 hours to 1 hour to let you enjoy more exciting battles.

Rebalance How Points are Calculated

To prevent the occurrence of advantages and disadvantages stemming
from the discrepancy of the members in each Pirate Faction,
the Point calculations have been balanced.

Players affiliated with a Pirate Faction that meets the following requirements will obtain an increased Points based on the difference between the number of members in your Faction & the number of members in the Pirate Faction with the highest amount of participants:
- Current total Points of your Pirate Faction is not the largest among the other Factions.
- Your Pirate Faction does not have the highest amount of members among the other Factions.

NPC Fleet Appearance Increased

The calculations for the number of NPC Fleets that appear for each Pirate Faction have been adjusted.

The appearance amount of NPC Fleets belonging to the winning Pirate Faction has increased, while the appearance amount of NPC Fleets belonging to the losing Pirate Faction has decreased.

With this, members affiliated with the losing Pirate Faction will have higher chances to encounter enemy NPC Fleets and to increase their Points easier by defeating them.

Epic Pirate Feud Chat Channel

A new World Chat Channel for "Epic Pirate Feud" has been added.
Players can now communicate with other members affiliated with the same Pirate Faction by using World Chat.

"Feud Information" Displaying

Information regarding "Epic Pirate Feud" displayed under "World Information" as well as from the NPC "Mercenary Mediator" have been modified:
- The ending time for the "Application Period" is now displayed.

- "Event Period" is now changed to "Feud Period" that only shows the duration when the actual Feud Rounds take place.

Gemstone Exchange Item Update

The items available from the "Gemstone Appraiser" in Luanda, in exchange for Large Gemstones discovered in the Kimberley Mines, have been updated. Also, the required amount of Carats for exchanging certain items have been decreased.

Recipe Updates

Gemstone Processing Recipes available from the "Gemstone Appraiser" in Luanda now require fewer Gemstones.

Also, more Production Recipes using various processed Gemstones are now available at the Palace of the Medici in Florence.

New Productions

The items available from the "Gemstone Appraiser" in Luanda, in exchange for Large Gemstones discovered in the Kimberley Mines, have been updated. Also, the required amount of Carats for exchanging certain items have been decreased.



New Quests and Maps for Discoveries as well as new Astronomical Discoveries have been added. Furthermore, there are new items that are available through Production.

