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Seven Wonders Ch4.1 - Empowered Ships

2024-01-18 01:40:48.433 1799



With the arrival of Seven Wonders Chapter 4.1 – Secrets of Soundcraft, a total of 192 existing ships, including both FS Ships (those you can build in-game) and Cash Ships (those you get through Treasure Cove or Captain’s Ticket), have undergone a significant overhaul!


Their Base Durability and Armour will be enhanced, with increases of up to 15% for Base Durability and 20% for Armour!

Here is the ship list so you can get ready for some serious shipbuilding!


* Please note that these changes will only affect newly built or obtained ships; those you already own won't be impacted.



<Empowered Ship List>

Base Dura. Armour
Before After Before After
Vaisseau 680 785 30 34
Galleass 700 770 20 22
Venetian Galleass 720 790 20 21
Ambush Siam 740 815 32 35
Stacked Turtle Ship 610 700 21 24
Korean Warship 630 725 20 23
Baltic Galleon 700 770 32 35
La Royale 745 820 22 24
Heavy Galleass 715 785 24 26
Armoured Vaisseau 720 795 36 39
Super Frigate 760 835 32 35
Turkish Galley 640 735 16 18
Assault Ottoman Galley 640 735 16 18
Turtle Ship 630 725 22 25
Atakebune 610 700 20 22
First Class Vaisseau 845 890 40 42
Ambush Atakebune 600 690 20 23
Custom Stacked Turtle Ship 610 700 21 24
Modified Stacked Turtle Ship 630 725 22 25
Custom Korean Warship 630 725 20 23
Modified Armoured Vaisseau 720 795 36 39
Custom Turkish Galley 640 735 16 18
Modified First Class Vaisseau 785 865 38 41
Armoured Turtle Ship 650 745 44 50
Armoured Turtle Ship 650 745 44 50
Custom La Royale 750 825 22 24
Custom Ambush Siam 740 815 32 35
Custom Ambush Atakebune 600 690 20 23
Custom Atakebune 610 700 20 22
Ironsides 735 805 43 47
Assault Large Atakebune 720 790 33 36
Assault Armoured Turtle Ship 700 770 44 48
Custom Armoured Vaisseau 720 795 39 43
Modified Ironsides 795 875 43 47
Ambushed Armoured Turtle Ship 720 790 44 48
Festive Armoured Turtle Ship 730 800 46 50
Festive Ironsides 855 885 45 46
Festive First Class Vaisseau 815 875 40 42
Festive La Royale 800 840 24 25
Ambush First Class Vaisseau 845 890 42 44
La Mort 770 845 27 29
Norske Love 840 880 41 42
Sovereign of the Seas 850 880 42 43
Neapolitan Galleass 835 875 25 26
Seeadler 865 895 35 36
Applet 835 875 42 44
La Couronne 820 860 37 38
Ottoman Galleass 840 880 35 36
San Felipe 845 885 43 45
Santa Catalina 845 885 37 38
De Zeven 840 880 41 42
Ingermanland 800 840 48 50
Razee Frigate 760 835 37 40
Bermuda Sloop 805 845 34 35
Victory 865 895 40 41
Soleil Royal 860 890 42 43
Advanced Bucentaur 860 890 46 47
Real 810 850 35 36
Dauphin Royal 880 910 40 41
Surprise 840 880 36 37
Assault Frigate 835 875 42 44
St. Lawrence 865 895 41 42
Augmented Vaisseau 700 770 32 35
Maltese Galley 820 860 40 41
Santisima Trinidad 855 885 48 49
Adventure Galley 850 880 50 51
Satisfaction 840 885 48 50
Kronan 875 905 51 52
Ark Royal 865 895 52 53
Vanguard 830 870 51 53
Heavy Assault Frigate 865 895 49 50
Renown 870 900 55 56
Whydah 860 890 45 46
Agamemnon 870 900 50 51
Melville 900 915 52 -
Assault Longship 880 910 49 50
Diversion Galleass 700 770 20 22
Argo Ship 910 925 55 -
Modified Venetian Galleass 760 835 22 24
Modified Heavy Galleass 715 785 24 26
First Class Flagship Vaisseau 815 855 40 41
High-Speed First Class Vaisseau 875 905 45 46
Modified Vaisseau 710 785 32 35
Custom Vaisseau 700 775 30 33
Modified Large Atakebune 800 840 33 34
Custom Ironsides 735 810 43 47
Modified Korean Warship 650 725 28 31
Ambush Vaisseau 750 825 45 49
Modified Super Frigate 770 850 40 44
Refitted Venetian Galleass 820 860 24 25
Refitted Heavy Galleass 800 840 28 29
Augmented La Mort 770 845 30 32
Augmented Norske Love 810 850 41 43
Custom Sovereign of the Seas 840 870 43 44
Modified Sovereign of the Seas 855 885 45 46
Festive Sovereign of the Seas 845 875 44 45
Custom Seeadler 870 900 35 36
Modified Seeadler 880 910 37 38
Festive Seeadler 875 905 36 37
Custom La Couronne 825 865 37 38
Modified La Couronne 845 885 40 41
Festive La Couronne 830 870 39 40
Assault Neapolitan Galleass 835 875 28 29
Shadow Hind 795 875 43 47
Festive Korean Warship 710 780 30 32
Modified Baltic Galleon 750 825 40 44
Light La Mort 715 785 20 21
Festive Baltic Galleon 765 840 39 42
Improved Norske Love 824 865 44 46
Festive Norske Love 810 850 43 45
Assault La Mort 815 855 30 31
Custom Ottoman Galleass 835 875 42 44
Light Ottoman Galleass 675 775 25 28
Refitted Ottoman Galleass 875 905 38 39
Agile La Royale 800 840 24 25
Improved Armoured Turtle Ship 780 860 48 52
Modified Applet 845 885 43 45
Improved San Felipe 870 900 44 45
Custom Santa Catalina 850 890 39 40
Ambush De Zeven 855 885 43 44
Custom Ingermanland 805 845 48 50
Modified Ingermanland 820 860 49 51
Custom Razee Frigate 790 870 37 40
Modified Razee Frigate 810 850 40 41
Festive Applet 840 880 42 44
Shadow San Felipe 850 890 46 48
Celebratory Santa Catalina 875 905 38 39
Ceremonial De Zeven 845 875 42 43
Ceremonial Ingermanland 835 875 50 52
Augmented Razee Frigate 830 870 43 45
Ambush La Royale 830 870 26 27
Shadow Neapolitan Galleass 870 900 30 31
Modified Dragon Ship C3 800 840 44 46
Ambush Dragon Ship C3 800 840 48 50
Ceremonial First Class Vaisseau 820 860 46 48
Modified Bermuda Sloop 835 875 37 38
Custom Bermuda Sloop 805 845 34 35
Modified Victory 835 875 40 41
Ambush Victory 885 915 44 45
Modified Soleil Royal 830 870 42 44
Refitted Soleil Royal 865 895 44 45
Modified Bucentaur 790 870 38 41
Refitted Bucentaur 765 840 38 41
Modified Real 810 850 35 36
Refitted Real 825 865 40 41
Advanced Soleil Royal 885 915 50 51
Festive Bermuda Sloop 735 805 40 43
Advanced Dauphin Royal 900 915 45 -
Refitted Dauphin Royal 850 880 40 41
Advanced Thermopylae 800 840 35 36
Advanced Surprise 845 890 40 42
Refitted Surprise 785 865 36 39
Modified Surprise 775 855 36 39
Advanced Assault Frigate 830 870 42 44
Advanced St. Lawrence 870 900 43 44
Refitted St. Lawrence 840 880 41 42
Modified St. Lawrence 840 880 41 42
Redesigned St. Lawrence 900 915 45 -
Custom St. Lawrence 850 880 41 42
Superior Real 900 915 40 -
Superior La Mort 900 920 35 42
Advanced Maltese Galley 900 915 50 -
Refitted Maltese Galley 830 870 45 47
Modified Maltese Galley 820 860 40 41
Advanced Santisima Trinidad 900 915 48 -
Refitted Santisima Trinidad 825 865 48 50
Modified Santisima Trinidad 825 865 48 50
Pirate Razee Frigate 850 880 46 47
Advanced Adventure Galley 900 920 55 56
Refitted Adventure Galley 830 870 51 53
Modified Adventure Galley 830 870 51 53
Advanced Satisfaction 890 915 53 54
Refitted Satisfaction 820 860 50 52
Modified Satisfaction 820 860 50 52
Advanced Kronan 930 950 55 56
Refitted Kronan 900 915 52 -
Modified Kronan 900 915 52 -
Advanced Ark Royal 900 915 55 -
Refitted Ark Royal 870 900 52 53
Modified Ark Royal 870 900 52 53
Refitted Vanguard 800 840 51 53
Modified Vanguard 800 840 51 53
Refitted Renown 860 890 55 56
Modified Renown 860 890 55 56
Refitted Whydah 830 870 45 47
Modified Whydah 830 870 45 47
Refitted Agamemnon 870 900 50 51
Modified Agamemnon 870 900 50 51
Refitted Assault Longship 880 910 49 50
Modified Assault Longship 880 910 49 50
Refitted Argo Ship 910 925 55 -
Modified Argo Ship 910 925 55 -

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