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Epic Sea Feud Basic Guide

2021-02-12 12:04:00.0 12898


Epic Sea Feud, a Large Scale Sea Battle with the Pride of Nations on the Line!



Welcoming voyagers of all kinds to join! A large-scale Fleet sea battle among voyagers of the Uncharted Waters with the pride of their nations on the line! Players from 2 different Camps will engage in a real-time sea battle over a selected city. The key to winning in the Epic Sea Feud lies in the cooperation of comrades, the alliance of those from the same nation, and the actions of all individuals!



Epic Sea Feud will be held during the 2nd weekend (Fri/Sat/Sun) of each month. Each Round consists of 3 Stages.




Round 1 (Friday): 8PM-11PM

Round 2 (Saturday): 12PM-3PM

Round 3 (Sunday): 6AM-9AM

*Pacific Standard Time



Participation Requirements

● Level of one of the Job Types must be 25 or greater to vote

● Total Fame of 500 or greater

● Port Permit for the Sea Region selected for Epic Sea Feud

● Accepted the Epic Sea Feud Quest



Why Participate in ESF?

● You can receive special Court Ranks based on the Merits of War gained.

● You can obtain participation prizes containing rare items.

● You can help your Nation spread Influence in the Sea Region where the Feud takes place, making it easier for your Nation to obtain control of the Target City.




Voting will occur for players of the Nation selected as an Aggressor Nation to decide on the City that will become the target of Epic Sea Feud (Target City Voting). Also, players from other Nations can choose to either vote to decide which Camp they wish to battle for (Alliance Voting) or participate as Mercenaries.



Aggressor Nation

An "Aggressor Nation" will be randomly selected each month; players affiliated with the Aggressor Nation are able to vote to decide which City they should attack by talking to the Minister in their own Nation and selecting "Advice" during the Target City Voting period. Aggressor Nation players can also choose not to attack any cities at all as well by voting "Observe."


● After the voting period ends, the City with the most votes will become the Target City.

● If the choice of 'Observe' obtains majority of the votes, Epic Sea Feud will NOT occur.

   *The Ottoman Empire cannot become the Aggressor Nation.





Defending Nation

The Nation that the Target City is affiliated with will become the "Defending Nation."


● The Ottoman Empire cannot become the Defending Nation.

● The Aggressor Nation and the Defending Nation are known as the Battling Nations.


Allied Nation(s)

Once the Target City has been selected, players of Nations that are able to become Allies are able to vote for an Alliance. If you see the "Advice" button at your Nation's Minister during the "Alliance Voting" period, it means that you can vote to decide which Battling Nation you wish to assist.


● Your Nation will become the Allied Nation of the Nation with the most votes from the results of Alliance Voting.

● Once voting ends, the Allied Nations of both Battling Nations will be announced. The Alliance status of Nations regarding Epic Sea Feud can be confirmed by any Guild Master.

●If either one of the Battling Nations was not selected for an Alliance during Alliance Voting, neither of the Battling Nations will have any Alliances.

● If multiple Nations (excluding the Ottoman Empire) have chosen to become an Alliance for one of the Battling Nations, the Nation with the most votes for that Battling Nation will form an Alliance with that Battling Nation.

● If the choice 'Observe' obtains the most votes, an Alliance will not be formed.

● Alliances will be dissolved when the Epic Sea Feud ends.






Players whose Nations were not selected as the Aggressor Nation, the Defending Nation or an Allied Nation are able to participate in Epic Sea Feud as Mercenaries.




To join Epic Sea Feud, you need to take the Epic Sea Feud Quest that will be available 6 hours prior to the start of Epic Sea Feud. (There is no need to accept the Quest again prior to each Stage of Epic Sea Feud.)

*The Epic Sea Feud Quest will not be available if you are taking any other Imperial Quest (Slot 3).




Take the Epic Sea Feud Quest from one of the following NPCs:

● The Minister of your own Nation's Capital City.

● A City Official of your Nation's Territory or Allied City.




Take the Epic Sea Feud Quest from one of the following NPCs:

● The Minister of the Aggressor/Defending Nation that your Nation is allied with.


● A City  Official of the Aggressor/Defending Nation that your Nation is allied with.






If the Alliance Voting did NOT occur for your Nation, you may choose to join either Camp. Take the Epic Sea Feud Quest from one of the following NPCs:

 ・The Minister of the Nation of your choice (Aggressor or Defending).

 ・A City Official of Territory or an Allied City of the Nation of your choice (Aggressor or Defending).

*Mercenaries are able to switch between the Camps they are assisting by discarding their current Epic Sea Feud Quest and then accepting the Epic Sea Feud Quest from the other Camp.

*After gaining Merits of War as a Mercenary once, it is not possible to change Camps (for the remainder of the Epic Sea Feud event period.



● If an Alliance Voting occurred for your Nation and your Nation was not selected as an Allied Nation, the only Nation you may assist is limited to the one that you have voted for during the Alliance Voting. Take the Epic Sea Feud Quest from one of the following NPCs:

 ・The Minister of the Nation you have voted for.

 ・A City Official of Territory or an Allied City of the Nation you have voted for.



*Those who do not participate in Alliance Voting or select "Observe" as their vote cannot participate in Epic Sea Feud as Mercenaries.

*If the results of Alliance Voting for the Ottoman Empire is "Observe", Ottoman players may participate as mercenaries. However, the only Nation that they may assist is limited to the one that they have voted for.



<Easy Steps for ESF Participation>



You cannot participate in Epic Sea Feud.



● Your Nation is the Aggressor Nation.


  *This can be confirmed by talking to the Guild Master.


● You are eligible to participate in Epic Sea Feud as an Aggressor Nation player (even though you did not vote during the Target City Voting period.) 



● You cannot choose Camps as it is decided that you will be in participating as a part of the Aggressor Nation Camp.




● Your Nation is the Defending Nation.

  *This can be confirmed by talking to the Guild Master.

● You are eligible to participate in Epic Sea Feud as a Defending Nation player.

● You are not required to vote during the Target City Voting period nor the Alliance Voting period to participate in Epic Sea Feud.

● You cannot choose Camps as it is decided that you will be in participating as a part of the Defending Nation Camp.



<If your Nation is selected as an Allied Nation>

● Your Nation is the Allied Nation.

● You are eligible to participate in Epic Sea Feud as an Allied Nation player.



● You cannot choose Camps as it is decided that you will be assisting the Camp that your Nation chose to be allied with.



<If your Nation is NOT selected as an Allied Nation>

● Your Nation is neither the Aggressor Nation, the Defending Nation nor an Allied Nation.

● You are eligible to participate in Epic Sea Feud as a Mercenary.
● YOU MUST HAVE VOTED for either the Aggressor Nation or Defending Nation (NOT "Observe") during the Alliance Voting period to be eligible to participate as a Mercenary.
***Make sure to vote (not for "Observe") in case your Nation is not selected as an Allied Nation.***

● You cannot choose Camps as it is decided that you will be assisting the Camp that you have voted for.




● Your Nation is neither the Aggressor Nation, the Defending Nation nor an Allied Nation.

● You are eligible to participate in Epic Sea Feud as a Mercenary

● You can choose which Camp to assist by taking the ESF Quest at the Palace of the Nation of your choice.





Before Engaging in Battle

● Make sure to accept the Epic Sea Feud Quest.

   *The Epic Sea Feud Quest will not be available if you are taking on any other Imperial Quest (Slot 3).

● Make sure to arrive at the Target City at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the battle.

● Make sure to form a Fleet with other players from the same Camp.

    *A Fleet can only be formed within a City.




Players of the Aggressor Camp have red sword icons beside their flags while players of the Defending Camp have blue sword icons.




Epic Sea Feud rounds lasts for a total of 3 hours at a specific Sea Region, with each hour designated to each Ship Class.




 The outcome of Epic Sea Feud is decided by the total amounts of "Victory Points" and different amounts are obtained during battles with different ship classes. The points earned are as follows:



The winners of Epic Sea Feud are determined by the battles that occur during the event period. For a battle to be counted towards the event during the event period, the following requirements must be met:


● The battle must occur at the designated Sea Battle Area.

● All members of the Fleet must have accepted the Epic Sea Feud Quest.

● The difference between the battle capabilities of both parties in the battle cannot be too great.

● Fleets must contain only players from the same Camp.

   *It is possible to form a Fleet that contains players of different Nations as long as they are from the same Camp and they have accepted the Epic Sea Feud Quest.

● All Fleets consist of ships of the corresponding class depending on the Stage (Fleets consisting of the incorrect ship classes are unable to participate in Epic Sea Feud nor are they able to assist as Reinforcements).

● Battles within a certain Stage do not consist of 4 or more times with the same opponents (Battles with the same opponents after the 4th time do not count).



Things to Keep in Mind

● Notoriety or Hostility towards other Nations will NOT increase during Epic Sea Feud.

● Loss of Item/Trade Goods or Plundering will NOT occur during Epic Sea Feud.

● Between 1 hour before the Battle starts and the end of Epic Sea Feud, players from the Aggressor Camp will not be able to enter the Target City, so remember to purchase Supplies or recruit Sailors at the Port of the Target City prior to the Battle starting.



Fort Battle

<Building a Fort> - Allied Cities/Territories of your Camp

● After accepting the Epic Sea Feud Quest, during the period of time in which players can still accept the same Quest, you will be able to build a Fort at your Camp's Allied Cities and Territories in the Sea Region where the Epic Sea Feud takes place. To do this, you'll need to talk to "Maritime Trader Corps" from the same Camp, that is roaming around the Epic Sea Feud Sea Region.


● Talk with the Port Official at the City you wish to build your Fort and provide items such as Cannons, Extra Armouring and items that can be converted into food, to increase the Attack Power, Defense Power and Durability of the Fort (This will make it harder for the Fort to fall).


● You may obtain more Merits of War if you build a Fort while Epic Sea Feud is in session. However, in order to receive instructions, you'll need to talk to the " Maritime Trader Corps" of your affiliated Camp while meeting the following conditions:

   ・Be in a Fleet with other players who have accepted the Epic Sea Feud Quest.

   ・Your fleet consists of ships of the corresponding class depending on the Stage of Epic Sea Feud.

   ・Everyone in the Fleet must be in the same Sea Area as the "Maritime Trader Corps."



<Attack the Fort> - Allied Cities/Territories of the enemy Camp

●To attack a Fort, the following conditions must be met:

   ・Be in a Fleet with other players who have accepted the Epic Sea Feud Quest.

   ・Your fleet consists of ships of the corresponding class depending on the Stage of Epic Sea Feud.

   ・Halt your ship at a certain distance away from the City of the enemy Camp.

    After having met these conditions, click on the Fort and select "Fort Assault" to begin attacking.



● The command is only available to the Admiral of the Fleet and as long as Fleet Members are following the Admiral, they are able to attack together along with the Admiral.



   *To participate in the attack of a Fort, there must be at least 1 or more Fleet Members following the Admiral.


● Although the attack on a Fort is automatic, Fleet Members will be receiving attacks from the Fort as well as the possibility of being attacked by an enemy Fleet. Commencing battle with an enemy Fleet will temporarily cancel the attack on the Fort.
● By attacking the Fort and reducing its Durability to 0, you will cause the Fort to fall and various bonuses will be given to the Aggressor Camp.



<Sabotage the Fort> - Allied Cities/Territories of the enemy Camp

● To Sabotage a Fort, you need to talk to the "Maritime Trader Corps" of your affiliated Camp to receive instructions while meeting the following conditions:

   ・Be in a Fleet with other players who have accepted the Epic Sea Feud Quest.

   ・Your Fleet consists of ships of the corresponding class depending on the Stage of Epic Sea Feud.

   ・Everyone in the Fleet must be in the same Sea Area as the "Maritime Trader Corps."

● Sabotage is possible against a Fort of the enemy Camp with a certain value or greater Durability by entering the Port of the City with the Fort that you wish to Sabotage.

● Select the items required for Sabotage and select "Sabotage Preparations Complete". By doing so, you can decrease the Attack power, Defense Power and Durability of a Fort.

● For a Fleet to begin Sabotage, Fleet Members must select items and the Admiral must select "Finishing Sabotage Preparations."

● Depending on the combination of the items selected, you may be able to decrease the Attack power, Defense Power and Durability of the Fort more effectively, or to temporarily cause irregular statuses to the Fort.



<Acquire Emergency Supplies> - Allied Cities/Territories of your Camp

● During Epic Sea Feud, it is possible to obtain Emergency Supplies (Munitions/Food & Water/Timber) from your Camp's Territories and Allied Cities that have Forts with a certain value or greater Durability.

● While having accepted the Epic Sea Feud Quest, talk with the Port Official of an applicable City and select "Acquire Emergency Supplies." You can choose from Munitions, Food & Water and Timber.

● The Emergency Supplies acquired are received in your Inventory and when used through the 'Use Item' option, it will be provided as goods.

● You can only acquire Emergency Supplies once a day. Also, depending on the types of Emergency Supplies acquired, the Attack Power, Defense Power or Durability of the Fort will decrease.





ESF Quest Completion Conditions

The Epic Sea Feud Quest will be considered completed when the time runs out for the Closing Stage of each Round and if you have:

● Won or was defeated in the battle of Epic Sea Feud at least once.

● Engaged in building a Fort.

● Engaged in sabotaging a Fort.

● Obtained the Merits of War by attacking a Fort or caused a Fort to fall.



Report the ESF Quest

When you report your Epic Sea Feud Quest, you will obtain Battle EXP, Battle Fame, Gold and the "Epic Sea Feud Participation Reward."



You can report your ESF Quest at the following NPCs:


<Players of the Aggressor Nation and the Defending Nation>

● The Minister of your own Nation's Capital City

● A City Official of your Nation's Territory or Allied City.



<Players of the Allied Nation(s)>

● The Minister of the Aggressor/Defending Nation that your Nation is allied with.


● A City Official of the Nation that your Nation is allied with.



● The Minister of the Nation that you assisted.

● A City Official of Territory or an Allied City of the Nation you assisted.



Influence Change in the Feud Sea Region

Based on the results of the Epic Sea Feud, the Influence on the Allied Cities of the Battling Nations and the Allied Nations within the Feud Sea Region will change.


● The amount of change in Influence will vary depending on the overall results.

● Battling Nations will obtain or lose more Influence compared to Allied Nations.

● The amount of change in Influence for Allied Cities that were not selected as a Target Port is half as much as the Target Port.

● The Influence for Nations that are not Battling Nations or Allied Nations will not change.



Investment Prohibition Period of Target City

After Epic Sea Feud concludes, depending on the win ratio of the winning Camp, Investments made to the Target City will be prohibited. With this, the merits from the Influence obtained for the Target City will be maintained throughout the Investment prohibition period.





(Updated on February 12th, 2021)


The following actions are considered to be exploitation of game mechanics and are NOT allowed:

1. Alt Farming: Repeatedly attack and sink your own alt characters (or your friend’s character who acts in the same way as your Alt character does).

2. Ship Swapping: When there is/are an imminent enemy Fleet(s) nearby, that is/are capable of attacking your Fleet, switching a docked Alt/Fleet members ship size while the Fleet is participating in ESF activities (e.g. Hunting NPC Fleets) to lose the ESF battle status and avoid fighting incoming enemy Fleets, then switching back after the enemy leaves.


We appreciate your cooperation for our fun and fair competitions!


* Repeat offenders will be penalized.


Good luck, Captains!



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